Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well, after looking at a lot of data tonight, I am thinking about being in the SW TX panhandle for tomorrow. Maybe around the Farwell-Muleshoe area. I'm not too hyped on a lot of severe weather, but like I've said in earlier posts, I'm just aching to get out and see some rain and hear some thunder like a lot of chasers. February is obviously not a prime month for severe weather, so If I do happen to see some, the better it will be.

I think the system is slowing down a bit. Earlier I was forecasting the main squall line to be near Amarillo near 3Z, but it's looking more likely that it will be near the TX, NM border at this time. I'm hoping for some good rains out of this system, and if I can get some possible flooding video, the station will definitely use it.

So, there you have it. If nothing changes between now and tomorrow (yeah right), then I will be heading down Hwy. 60 to the area of Farwell or Muleshoe.

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