Saturday, February 7, 2009


The chances are still there for a few storms on Sunday to be severe. Models are in agreement to at least give us thunderstorms, so I will definitely take that, especially this time of year.

As far as moisture in concerned, the models have been fairly consistent at bringing at least mid to upper 40's dewpoints to the region. The ascent from the low will be very strong, so it will "squeeze" out all the moisture that is available. Surface temps won't be very high, so instability won't really be that great, but high lapse rates will help out a little bit. The low will bring in some cold upper level air to help with the lack of surface heating.

As far as storm mode, it looks like it will be possible clusters of storms early in the day in eastern New Mexico and the western TX Panhandle. As the day progresses, the storms will move into better moisture and will probably evolve into a squall line near Amarillo. I do think the best chances for severe will be in the eastern and southeastern portions of the TX Panhandle as the storms move into slightly better moisture and slightly warmer air.

I will definitely be out Sunday, not only to see storms, but it will also be a good day to test everything out for the real show in April and May. Stay tuned for possible photos from Sunday's event.


Tony Laubach said...

Lets be in touch, Jason! We're heading down, too! More of a road trip with a chance to see weather type of thing, but all of us just want to get out! Hope we'll see ya!

Anonymous said...

I agree Tony. I just want to get out too and see some weather. I hope to see you out there! If you see my ugly yellow truck, stop and say hi.