Friday, February 6, 2009


We have a slight risk smack in the middle of the TX Panhandle for Sunday! Wow! Can February light up like it did in 07 when we had a confirmed tornado near McLean? Hmmm....

A low is progged to eject into the TX Panhandle which will set the stage for some possibilities for severe weather for Sunday. Also, a cold front will be draped along the southern plains which will aid in the development of thunderstorms. This setup will most likely be a high shear low instability day. More to come either later today or tomorrow.


Steve Miller TX said...

Awesome!!! Although I think it will be a squall event (I hope I'm wrong!), it will be SOOOOO nice to see lightning and hear thunder once again around here. I know the farmers especially will love to see some serious rains around these parts for the first time in months.

Dann Cianca said...

Some of us Colorado folk are heading down. :)

Anonymous said...

Squall line or otherwise, I will get out. If nothing but to see and hear some thunder and lightning and report for the station.

I remember a few years ago a system like this produced copious amounts of graupel 6 inches deep!

If we can keep the early clouds down, with the shear in place, on of us might get lucky.

Anonymous said...

I'm like you guys. I just want to get out and see te rain and hear the thunder again. Severe or not, I'll be looking forward to it. Hope to see you guys out there.