If you're a photographer looking for lots of photo opportunities, look no further than this area in NE New Mexico. You'll see from the following photos that it can be a lot of fun! It's only a 3 hour trip from Amarillo, and it's worth every mile, I promise you. Now to the photos...
Lots of Antelope North of Clayton, NM
A snow covered peak near Des Moines, NM
Volcano in the distance
Volcano information sign with volcano in the background
Entrance into the park
On my way to the top
Another photo as I make my way to the top
I've reached the top. This is the vent portion of the volcano
Ahh, I'm high as a kite...elevation wise that is
Hiking into the vent portion
I noticed this fly. Believe it or not, it was still alive. I bet he was freezing his tail off!
Lots of great information surrounds the area
Shot of the snow
Shot looking north from the top of the volcano
Shot looking south as I hike on a trail at the top
Shot looking northeast with the parking lot in view
Shot looking more to the north
Lots of good subjects to photograph
I still can't believe all the snow!
Shot looking mostly east I believe
The trees at the top make for good framing of the photos
Good framing again looking north
Want another snow photo?
Looking east again from the top trail
Snow covered peaks in Colorado. Notice the clouds over the mountains.
The high clouds rolled in and gave the photos more character.
Looking north from the top trail
Another good subject just waiting to be photographed
Again, the clouds gave the photos some pop. Yes the sky was that blue due to low moisture in the air.
Looking south from the top trail
Looking south again
More great information about the volcano
I know, I just had to get one in
Distant shot looking to the SW
I now go into the town of Folsom for some photos
A close shot of a waterfall going into a pond near Folsom. I really like this shot. It turned out better than I thought it would.
Catching some trout. No, I didn't fish, but I wish I would have! A small boy caught most of these.
A mule deer doe next to the road near the pond.
I actually made it into Colorado! This is in Branson.
Starting to head home. A cool shot of the moon and colors at sunset.
Another shot of the moon.
Capulin is erupting!!! Not really, but it kind of looks like it.
One final shot of the moonrise
Sunset shot of mountains to the west.
Another shot of sunset
As I get west of the volcano, I take a shot of the blue hue in the sky.
A parting shot before I finally head home. What a great day. I'm going to do it again very soon!
Very nice man. I love New Mexico. There is so much history and places to explore and abundant photographic opportunities. And it's one of the few places left in the US where you can REALLY feel like you went back in time.
I agree 100%. There is a lot of history to explore, and like you said, a lot of photo opportunities.
It was amazing how quiet it was and how fresh the air smelled. I may not make it back this year, but you can count on next spring! It's a perfect 1 day getaway for me.
Great shots Jason!
What a nice collection of photos from such a cool excursion! The old town looked quuite interesting to explore as well. Now you've got me hooked!
Awesome pictures! Can't decide which is my fave. Thank you for taking me there.
Thanks for the comments guys. It's really a great place for a photography adventure. I'm going to take more of these day trips. I almost forgot how much exploring and photography can be.
Great shots jboggs! It is fun to think back to those places. There is sooo much to see and photograph across west Texas and NM. I miss just heading out like you did and exploring. It's a great part of the country that will always have a special place in my heart. Hope all is well my friend.
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