Friday, August 15, 2008


Tonight I was watching TV and decided to step out on my deck to get a breath of fresh air (I live in an apartment). This was about 3am or so. I noticed 2 males walking down the parking lot, and they started looking in cars and trying to open the doors. I immediately called 911 because I knew exactly what was going on.

They went on down the line and looked in several other cars while trying to open the doors to the vehicles. I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. I then noticed both of them walk over to a Toyota Tacoma. They looked in it and tried to open the drivers side door. It opened right up! One of the guys got in and shut the door while the other one stepped back playing the lookout. They stayed there for a minute or two. The guy got out and they both walked over and got into a white truck (their own vehicle).

As they were backing out, the cops pulled up and surrounded the vehicle. I heard the cuffs snap into place and both males were put in the cop car. The officers came up to my apartment and I gave my story. I had to write an affidavit of exactly what happened.

Here's the kicker...these two guys are associated with the people that live directly across from me. I told the officer that these guys might try to retaliate on me. He told me if anything at all happens, to call him immediately. I hope nothing comes from it, but we'll see. Anyway, to make a long story short, make sure your car is locked at all times, because you might have little punks like these trying to get some fast cash or a fast ride.

1 comment:

Steve Douglass said...


I hate thieves too and we have our share at our apartment. it helps not to have any permanent SKYWARN or storm chaser marking on your vehicle.

I have a trick I use hat has kept my car from getting broken into. I have a ball cap I bought on EBAY that says in big white letters FBI. I leave it on the seat.